The Top*Four index of the Year 1998.

January - Economy/Business. The economy as community online...pursues the goal to connect the entreprises each other and to the Internet users by means of a direct channel so that they can shoot distribution and information costs significantly down.
February- Web Marketing Mix. The search for a more direct and exclusive relationship with the Intenet user is the motive over which the companies are competing when they invest on the Web...
March - Advertising!: ...the real ad resource on the WWW is the selling (or) buying of space at high visited Web sites, space aimed to promote the visiting of another site, easly to reach through an hypertext link and therefore visitable at once. Have you ever followed the invitation "click here"?
April - Product, Brand or Project? ...the well known brand is affirming through its name, griffe or logo the value of a universal language -unispeak, ...But the WWW system is above all useful for the internationalization of products and brands not enough widespread.
May - P.O.P. Many Points of Purchase over the Internet are specific e-traders, using high-tech tools for the online buying: shopping card or virtual trolley; the seasonal catalog (fall/winter and spring/summer); the customer service or FAQ; the club of clients; the secure payment and transaction system...
June - P.R.:'s very important to know what is whorty of attention for the customers and what is unwelcome. A practical way to get attention ... is the revealing of knowledges on problems and facts which are of general interest. So firstly it must be verified the basic interest by the "Who Cares?" test.
July&August - Mad Prices. "You are expensive for me, but how much?" right question by anyone who is connected via the Internet for the shopping. You can start from the account's overheads and connecting time costs...
September - Positioning: ...the professors of the Harvard Business School have proposed a simple websites' classification built on 2 dimensions of analysis: content and purpose. From which they obtain a first positioning level for the domestic/assistant sites...
October - Prose and Poetry. Preach the poetry, practise the prose. This is not a proverb, but only the principle of this contribute to the choice of its own models on the building of the personal or corporate web site.
November - Patchwork. Why do we like the marketing? ... in its specialisation, it's multifunctional; in its uselessness, it's basic. The most spontaneous activity of a business -who doesn't market something to someone?- is the most affected one...
December - Pizza Bros. How much is the value of a world famous name, the Net lets us know: (pay attention, please) is a registered domain, but avaialble to be bought at US$ 300,000. "In Pizza We Trust" I would propose as headline to be used by a potential owner...

To get the top websites' addresses, go to DMLR Primo Award