DMLR*News Gold
November 2000

Archive 2000

GOLD III, Oct. 00

GOLD II, Jul. 00

GOLD I, May 00

BRIEF Italian v.

DMLR*Newsletter — BRIEF, Nov.2000

INTRO. 0ctober 30, nineteen ninety-seven I had got the first email requesting to subscribe the DMLR's newsletter. I'm going to reward those who subscribe on October 30, two-thousand. Tell a friend while you are reading the new thirty-third release. It's really dynamite!
Kerin, JoAnn, all 2000 year's subscribers, may you live without being part of online survey by DMLR? It's only one question at
Should DMLR become an all-purpose acronym, I would use it as any time as I did on this DMLR*News issue. Spelling each step of it.
--D-- Directory.
/COME is a new directory within DMLR.ORG, aimed to show you examples of pages highly suitable for saving Kb without giving up a colorful appeal. In spite of a size of just 5-6 K, you deal with flying colors. Here are the first examples: (table content showing survey-data); (ideal pattern supporting your team).
Yahoo! staff refused to list DMLR.ORG into the directory of the Social>Dance>Magazine. Right! They emailed me to inform that current category "Marketing" is fine because the general purpose of a site is that they follow for the listing. What about a man who asked me how to market his social dance video courses all over the Europe? (...if interested I can give you his email).
Maybe he was tricked by the 'D@nce Club' page! It has been altered by me into a simple Html one letting dynamic Html page as 2nd-level option to visit:
--M-- Mapping.
The original article coming with Top4 magazine is online since Oct.16! Where I wrote about the geography of the World Wide Web, or how to map Web players and sites by a marketing perspective or also "the propinquity of information"... Read it on
Afterward you will be conscious that the Internet --like the desert-- could not be claimed or owned!
--L-- Languages and Links.
According to Euro Marketing Associates, the most spoken languages after English over the Internet are Spanish, Japanese, German. So I set up brand new pages to translate the DMLR history into top languages. I tried a quick online translator and made short strokes by myself. And the output is: (Spanish) (German).
DMLR.ORG joined the Market Research International by WebRing. Then the new owner, Yahoo!, asked me for new registering and membership. The system is really inconclusive and after the second and third procedures, nothing occurred for about ten days. Bureaucracy is not only a old sickness... Well, a WebRing is not forever so I kept DMLR away from.
I remember you the new online service provided by links to Search. You can fastly search for pages by your interesting contents. The search enriched of basic boolean modes, i.e. the (AND) and (OR). Reap the benefits of from
--R-- Remark!
Some industry heads or top managers are using to release information on their own reading during informal interviews by major journalists. So far so good. But we are made aware of their 'livre de poche' that at times are memories by military experts, for example general Clausewitz or field marshal Rommel, aka the Desert Fox (?). Well, don't trust them! Usually their models were gaining fame far from the war action or, if into the act, failed. More: the trade is not a battle field and the true leaders have to cooperate not to vandalize, to build not to bomb. If by chance you read so on, simply don't trust them anymore!
Next installments:
DMLR*News Brief, December
DMLR*News Gold IV, January.
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