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Roberto Dondi
Word processing, html and the ropes 
One Q? For You


Archive 1999-2002

 DMLR*News Brief — August 03, 2002
(sent via email to DMLR*News subscribers on Aug. 01, 2002)
-D- DM Quiz
-M- Messenger
-L- Link&Link
-R- Review:

--D-- DM Quiz.
(Answers to the question posed on DMLR*News Gold n.10).
CPA means Cost Per Acquisition, meaning purchase, subscription, whatever... an actual transaction has taken place. Usually CPA affects retailing, CPM advertising!
CPS (1) means Cost Per Sale --see CPA.
CPS (2) means Cost Per Session as a formula to buy/sell the banner view by unique visitors in a due time of visit. It's a model to charge prices by Internet sessions as opposed to the solution that charges by impressions only.
(Impressions are supposed to be "viewings of the firm's Internet ads").
CPC means Cost Per Click, meaning advertisers/publishers are dealing on a delivered ads basis, a method that could be problematic, given the ability of the latter to manufacture clicks.
CTR means Click Through Rate, measuring the percentage of people viewing online ads and clicking on it (response).

To put these concepts into practice,

--M-- Messenger.
Marketing techniques conform to the peculiarities of the Internet structure, mainly tools and relationships.
This adaptation produces some strategies different from traditional marketing. For example, VIRAL MARKETING is a new term coined to define the productive ways a marketing message is made available through the Internet.
Messages such as sales promotion, trademarked product names, or corporate slogans are circulating as efficient as the information technology enters the habits of the households and businesses --spreading around like a virus!
The large productivity of this viral technique derives from the use of e-mail as communication tool that has been adopted worldwide. Viral marketing is sustained by a system that involves everyone using the Net. An ever increasing number of e-mails contains marketing messages so that the recipients could become a carrier of the same message to other people. Let's get real...
This is a Web-based email newsletter. When I insert these lines for the readers:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Subscribe FREE
Please forward *without* cutting - thanks!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'm doing viral marketing to promote DMLR website and/or newsletter. The message gets the reader to pass this email to a friend or colleague, carrying the original message. Another form of viral marketing occurs when you register to use a free email account and the company insert its message at the bottom of any message you send (Hotmail,, and so on).
Web users are partecipating in these marketing strategies as passive medium, but they gain some advantages basically in terms of free service.
Americans are infatuated with the Instant Messenger, a mean of communication "faster than email". A kind of chat list compiled of friends and associates to be reached in real time. But you can partecipate in these systems only if you adopt the same software (AOL Instant Messenger). I could invite you to exchange messages online with me through the AIM --nickname: dmlr4info.
So I'm becoming a messanger of the marketing strategy used by AOL to install its software on computers everywhere. It's worth noting that viral marketing works better inside single companies and among employees. Or when you are promoting spontaneously online resources amid friends.

Another example of viral marketing?
See the sig-file article at DMLR*News Gold n.7/I:

--L-- Link&Link.
How many Web sites are linked to yours? How to detect?
Enter your Web location and check out the results at AltaVista, probably the most useful search engine today. The query will be answered by a list comprehending page URLs, description and direct link to the resources where your Web site has been found.
Enter into the search box the phrase "link:yoursitename". The task now is to separate the valuable information from the dreck.
You will be adviced of active links, passive links and unknown links. The first derive from an action you had promoted to make your website listed and/or reviewed. The second have been set up by initiative of someone that are not you, but are respectful of your linking policy. The third ones are neither active nor useful for your site promotion (the dreck).
For DMLR, on the listing resulted as of July 29, the most important sites linked to by a marketing perspective are essentially the following: online_marketing/ Internet/Pubblicazioni/

Related articles:
- DMLR Brief March/I,
- reciprocal links,

--R-- Review:
This new service allows you to find out one or more web sites at a time I have personally visited/tested.
On this issue let's look at: "".
- Web location is, managed by Guru Inc., USA.
- Type of site: IT job marketplace, or "the intelligent path to talent" (tm).
- Means: free registration, newsletter, job archive, consultancy. is probably the most developed experience of job service for the information technology (IT) professionals. Respectful of its mission the managers are offering a very advanced system to create useful contacts between IT workers and businesses around the world.
- Web site: it's a very complex platform offering a complete marketplace where workers can insert profiles, update them, or browse the job listings to find jobs. The registration is needed to access the basic services. It exists also a registration for getting several email newsletters, eg. The Guru Viewer and The Hirer Viewer.
- Demo: early on May I completed my profile according to the requirements.
The complexity of the profiling system is due to an attempt to furnish as much information as possible on the worker's experience, skills and education. This takes a lot of time when you insert the details because you will be requested to present your data on precise forms that is managing for the hirers. A 7- or 8-job listing like I had takes more than 1 hour to be completed online! And you have to learn a lot before creating a profile that meets your instance right. (The limit is common to many online job services because their systems are scarcely set up to accept plain text-format curricula, but they prefer ask you to put the data into a fixed scheme and ordered sequence.) After a few days I received an email alerting me for a "job invitation". That means I have a profile that should be interesting for hirers consulting The following steps are required to:
- go to an exact site url;
- check out the job offered;
- create the personal application for that;
- or decline the job invitation.
Because I had sent my application a real company did contact me via email after one week. What it followed was an exchange of information both on-line and off to define reciprocal goals and needs. For the record the company was Kanrad Technologies in Bangalore, India.
- Rating: 9 out of 15.

(Evaluated following DMLR Primo-award criteria, see

Next installment
DMLR*News Brief, September.
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©2002 Roberto Dondi - author and webmaster of,
and not member of the Italian journalist order.
 (The online version may differ from the emailed text by picayune!)
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