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Roberto Dondi
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One Q? For You


Archive 1999-2002

 DMLR*News Brief — December 01, 2002
(sent via email to DMLR*News subscribers on Nov. 29)
-D- Diet
-M- Marketing Keys (part 2)
-L- Letters at Alphabet St. (part 2)
-R- Review: SendFree

--D-- Diet.
The DMLR Brief edition has completed its task. 2003 the new series of newsletters will be reorganized. This is how.
The timing will not change, one e-news per month. But the quarterly sequence will be as follows:
1st month DMLR*News LITE
2nd month DMLR*News GOLD
3rd month DMLR*News LITE.
This group repeating for each quarter of the next year. Lite is the light version on the same DMLR series; but everyone knows that the difference is in the length and number of articles that fill up the newsletter. The GOLD issue will maintain a double length more or less.
Next DMLR*News Gold will arrive in February 2003, then in May, August, and November. Other months get Lite issue. To better manage your email copy you can create a file into your email program so that any message with DMLR on the subject will be stored right there (filtering). The email news will be sent to you possibly within the first working day of each month.
A few members of DMLR*News will receive a personal email to update their subscription if the full name is lacking. Thanks for completing it.
In the case of email error notified by the server, both subscriber and address will be removed from the email list.

--M-- Marketing Keys (pt.2).
The knowledge of key-words and the selection of phrases to insert into the search engine are the most important action a Web surfer communicates to a marketer. Why? Because on the Internet the experience wins.
Let's consider the fact that a Web search hides a real person and how she thinks. Key words come from any user who's demanding by searching service, so that if someone is looking for marketing topics, a mode of thinking and writing goes through the search engine.
DMLR has got the capability to detect what is useful to the Web user... By means of the search function on DMLR website, the words or phrases typed into the search-box by visitors are listed on weekly reports. I offer you the list of 120 main keywords on marketing as they were searched by real persons during the period 2001-2002. Read on KEYWORDS.

--L-- Letters at Alphabet St. (pt.2).
Or: 26 Ideas To Write Power Copy On Banner Adv.

Here is the part two of the alphabet(*):
u) Unique.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is when you are going to make a product that someone else did not start manufacturing or providing...
Press U to see a real banner in action,
p) + (Plus).
Positivity is always a train involving people that are in big and little troubles. The plus-sign could really heat up a chilly day, because people like positive facts. Period!
Press P to see a real banner in action,
h) Hi-Fi.
High fidelity builds up repeating buys. You are like a music player and your hits are as frequent as innovative...
Press H to see a real banner in action,
g) Guarantee.
Is your product supreme? Fine, state this excellence by means of the guarantee. So the potential client will turn from suspect into prospect!
Press G to see a real banner in action,
d) Dynamite.
A formula for exploding sales? Multiply the words impact by using the magic of three terms. Results are bigger than the simple addition of the single parts, aka the sinergy!
Press D to see a real banner in action,
o) Opportunity.
How many opportunities are disguising behind your offer? Let the customer an alternative OR two when he is thinking about your product...
Press O to see a real banner in action,
r) Real.
Success is measured by real facts in Direct Marketing. In addition real people make a virtual community highly believable.
Press R to see a real banner in action,
n) Not me.
You're not speaking about your product but about how people can benefit from using it. The customer is YOU, the seller is ME, and you are the former or the latter...
Press N to see a real banner in action,
j) Joker.
Non-sense phrases on radio and TV publicity are used to create teasers. Every season has its brand new tormenting jingle to listen to. Maybe you are too serious...
Press J to see a real banner in action,
c) Call-center.
The Net works in direct response marketing co-operating with other media like mobile phone, SMS, TV, and toll-free numbers. They call this a multimedia platform!
Press C to see a real banner in action,
k) Know-How.
If the prospects look like a top managers group, well then better you give them the figures. They will trust you because they get objective facts and results.
Press K to see a real banner in action,
y) Yankee.
American marketers teach you that money matters first. Monetize in advance the value-added advantage from your offering so that you be full transparent. And...
Press Y to see a real banner in action,
z) Zero.
None did answer to your offer! Zero. Nix. Maybe words are not enough for your readers, so give them the possibility of winning a prize if they buy right now!
Press Z to see a real banner in action,

To complete the 26-tip Alphabet read the prior DMLR*News.
(*)In order of appearance on DMLR start page thru November.

--R-- Review: SendFree.
This new service allows you to find out one or more web sites at a time I have personally visited/tested. On this issue let's look at: "".
- Web location is, managed by SendFree, USA.
- Type of site: "The Original Autoresponder Ad Exchange". It's a power resource to manage the interactivity online. This means any Web site should get its own system of autoresponding messenger. I suggest you to adopt it to increase the response to your offering!
- Means: member registration, account manager, and newsletter as daily roundtable on practial tips and suggestions --this is reaching an active small business community of over 15,000 SendFree members.
- Web site: maximum of operating features for single person or company registered as member. It's a real platform aimed to manage advanced tools helping your website to offer useful commodities able to interact with net users, visitors, readers, customers! No bells and whistles.
- Demo: since 2000, DMLR has been using the autoresponder feature to make easier the process on subscribng/unsubscribing this email newsletter. I actually use SendFree to get subscribers for the email newsletter. For example, to subscribe the English version send an email to:
A daily or weekly digest informs the user/member on all the messages --sender, time, contents-- that have been sent to the autoresponder(s). Currently there is a lot of spam reaching an a/r, but SendFree is now engaged in filtering this particular incoming email.
Probably you too experienced this system when you sent your first email to get listed in DMLR*News. Highly interesting is the feature allowing to co-ordinate a simple Web form with the autoresponder email service, so that only few seconds are passing before a subscriber receive his own information reply about how to get the monthly marketing e-news.
The charge is of $19.97 for your use of SendFree's Premium service. The options should be active for improving both the effectiveness of and control over the procedure.
I suggest to proceed gradually so you can use the best features of the Premium option. No surprise if one runs into errors or meager results at onset. The automation of email reply needs indeed good skills on planning the input/output flows, and preparing some tested procedures. Good luck!
- Rating: 10 out of 15 --last visited on Nov. 20, 2002.
(Evaluated following DMLR Primo-award criteria, see

Next installment
DMLR*News LITE, January.
Since 1997 DMLR*News is a free email newsletter
delivered every month to regular subscribers.

Prior DMLR*News (Brief),

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©2002 Roberto Dondi - author and webmaster of, and not member of the Italian journalist order.
 (The online version may differ from the emailed text by picayune!)
Book digest by
at dmlr dot org!