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Roberto Dondi
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 Web Marketing — MyQuiz
Are you among the marketing-savvy ones? Test your capability in the new marketing arena... The following questions on Web or e-marketing, Internet, and new digital media were issued on since 2002. Read the right answers after each of them!
  1. Q: What is exactly the Loyalty Ladder according to the marketing slang? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.37).
    A: L.L. is a 5-rung ladder, a visual forecast of the people interested in buying a product or service. Every step represents a different category of buyers and a different kind of relationship to them all. From bottom to the top: Suspects —Prospects—Customers—Clients—Advocates.

    (It) L.L. è una scala a 5 pioli, uno schema visivo delle persone interessate all'acquisto di un prodotto o servizio. Ogni gradino rappresenta una differente categoria di compratori e un differente tipo di relazione con tutti loro. Dal basso in alto: Suspects —Prospects—Customers—Clients—Advocates.

  2. Q: Which Italian law does allow to collect private data when you want to start a mailing list for delivering via e-mail a newsletter to subscribers? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.36).
    A: Decreto legislativo n.196 issued on June 30th, 2003.

    (It) Decreto legislativo n.196 del 30 giugno 2003.

  3. Q: Behind the numbers showed at point I, how can the web browser market share be estimated? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.35).
    A: The market share of web browsers can be estimated by means of the user-agents strings of visitors to popular web sites. Since most sites quoting market share figures are very poor at identifying browsers from user-agent strings, they are including many minor browsers that pretend to be IE that most sites can't identify.

    (It) La quota di mercato dei web browser si può stimare mediante le stringhe agente degli utenti che visitano siti web popolari. Dato che quasi tutti i siti che dichiarano le quote di mercato sono molto scarsi nell'identificare i browser dalle stringhe di utenza, le cifre includono molti browser minori che fingono di essere IE e che non riescono ad essere identificati.

  4. Q: As regards to 'phishing', how many people (as percentage) are supposed to believe in that kind of e-mail warning, so that they end up for sending their own personal data to the cheat company committing the abuse? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.34).
    A: First cases of this e-mail abuse began in March 2005 before the word 'phishing' was selected. 3-5% of all addressees are supposed to swallow the bait and then may suffer an ID theft on-line.

    (It) I primi casi di questo abuso da e-mail iniziarono nel marzo 2005 prima che la parola 'phishing' fosse scelta. Si stima che il 3-5% di tutti i destinatari abbocchi all'esca e possa quindi subire un furto di ID on-line.

  5. Q: has always put importance into Web statistics. How to read last updated information about visitors counted by Alexa Traffic Rankings? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.33).
    A: Alexa Traffic Rankings computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users. (See also the question n.18 below!)

    (It) Alexa Traffic Rankings conteggia il livello di traffico analizzando l'utilizzo del Web di milioni di utenti di Alexa Toolbar. (Vedi anche la domanda n.18 di sotto!)

  6. Q: Fellas, how bad is so much SPAM (unsolicited commercial e-mail)? Are really 20 billion e-mails bombarding the Net customers every day? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.32).
    A: Too much. Spam is costing the Net users plenty of time, to the tune of 50 billion emails daily.

    (It) Troppo. Lo spam costa agli utenti della Rete una caterva di tempo, all'incirca 50 miliardi di e-mail al giorno.

  7. Q: According to a recent survey by Netcraft, how many websites did exist in November 2006? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.31).
    A: 101,435,253 (source:

    (It) 101'435'253 (fonte:

  8. Q: With regards to Which?, English review for the consumers, it was founded by an American woman. Who? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.30).
    A: Dorrie Goodman. She was studying at the London School of Economics when 50 years ago along with a bunch of friends she set up both Which? and the Consumers' Association.

    (It) Dorrie Goodman. Studiava alla London School of Economics quando 50 anni fa con un gruppo di amici pose le basi sia di Which? che della Consumers' Association.

  9. Q: With regards to the E-commerce in Italy how much is estimated the percentage of products and services sold to other countries? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.29).
    A: Italian e-commerce's estimated turnover of E4,000 million is about 16% from goods and services exported. (Source: 2024 radio program on 7/7/06 at

    (It) Il fatturato stimato in 4.000 milioni di euro dell'e-commerce italiano è per il 16% circa da prodotti e servizi esportati. (Fonte: programma radio 2024 del 7/7/06 su

  10. Q: Industrial countries are consuming 25 times more energy than poor or developing countries. How many domestic electronic appliances were found every 100 households in the USA and Europe by surveys conducted 1973 and 1998?
    Question in reserve: how much recycled paper save one high-trunk tree to fell? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.28).
    A: a) In the USA they were 242 (1973) and 1350 (1998) counting refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, air conditioner etc. In Europe they were 165 (1973) and 300 (1998). b) About 70 Kg.

    (It) a) Negli USA erano 242 (1973) e 1350 (1998) contando frigo, lavatrice, lavastoviglie, condizionatore etc. In Europa erano 165 (1973) e 300 (1998). b) 70 Kg circa.

  11. Q: How much is the Internet penetration in Brazil, i.e. the Net users/inhabitants ratio? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.27).
    A: About 7%.

    (It) 7% circa.

  12. Q: Among the sources Net users are employing when they search for products or services the most important are search engines, word of mouth and advertising both online and offline. Are the results from DMLR poll placed on confirming this fact? Moreover: what means are actually considered into the residual response item "other source"? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.26).
    A: Yes as for search engine and word of mouth -- here "news subscriber or other web user". Less as for advertising limited to a typical online vehicle (link). "Other source" is intended for different tools pointing to a web site, e.g. press release, email signature, or even direct typing of the web address (URL).

    (It) Sì per quanto concerne motori di ricerca e passaparola -- qui "abbonato alla news o altro utente". Poco per la pubblicità limitata ad un tipico veicolo online (link). "Altra fonte" è intesa per diversi strumenti di arrivo ad un sito web, per es. comunicato stampa, firma email o anche inserimento diretto dell'indirizzo web (URL).

  13. Q: The E-commerce in Italy holds a little share of the general retail market. Is that share more or less than 1 percent? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.25).
    A: Less. It's just 0.5% vs. 1.5% in Europe and more than 3% in North America.

    (It) Meno. Solo 0,5% vs. 1,5% in Europa e oltre 3% in Nord America.

  14. Q: How much is worth the Internet channel with regards to the global investments for advertising? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.24).
    A: 3 per cent of the worldwide advertising, but it's expected to be 5 per cent within three years (as of CorSera/Economia on August 21, 2005.

    (It) 3% della torta pubblicitaria mondiale, ma si stima che sarà il 5% entro tre anni (dal CorSera/Economia del 21 agosto 2005).

  15. Q: Everyone can search into the Web contents of this site by using the search function powered by Atomz.
    What year did this service appear on (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.23).
    A: 2001.

    (It) 2001.

  16. Q: People use different browsers when cruising the Internet. What is the actual browser market share considering Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox and the marginal ones? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.22).
    A: IE 89%, Firefox 7%, Netscape Navigator or Mozilla 2%, Other (Opera, AOL, Safari)2%.

    (It) IE 89%, Firefox 7%, Netscape Navigator o Mozilla 2%, Altri (Opera, AOL, Safari)2%.

  17. Q: What are the four basic functions of the direct response marketing? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.21).
    A: 1) To get new customers, 2) To keep the customers you already have, 3) To upgrade your current customers, 4) To cross-sell your customer base.

    (It) 1) Ottenere nuovi clienti, 2) Conservare i clienti già acquisiti, 3) Consolidare i clienti attuali, 4) Fare offerte incrociate alla tua clientela base.

  18. Q: What guru among those listed here said: "Branding is not about getting your prospects to choose you over your competition; it's about getting your prospects to see you as the only solution to their problem."? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.20).
    A: Rob Frankel,

    (It) Rob Frankel,

  19. What are considered "Sensitive Data" by the FEDMA Code for the use of personal data in direct marketing? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.19).
    A: The FEDMA Code for the use of personal data in direct marketing has been listing as "Sensitive Data" any of the following information that are therefore subject to restrictions on their processing: Racial or ethnic origin; Political opinions; Membership of a trade union; Religious or philosophical beliefs; Physical or mental condition (health); Sexual life; Offences, criminal convictions and security measures.

    (It) Il Codice FEDMA per l'uso di dati personali nel direct marketing ha messo in elenco come "Dati Sensibili" ognuna delle seguenti informazioni che sono pertanto soggette a restrizioni nel loro utilizzo: Origine razziale o etnica; Opinioni politiche; Appartenenza ad un sindacato; Opinoni religiose o filosofiche; Condizione fisica o mentale (salute); Vita sessuale; Reati, condanne e misure di sicurezza.

  20. What is the computer's screen resolution in pixel to best view online the pages of (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.18).
    A: All the pages published by DMLR are best viewed at 1024x768 pixel as monitor resolution, usually used by portable computers... You could also read them by keeping the default resolution of your computer. But probably you will catch the pages on monitors set up at 800x600 or 640x480 pixel. Both measures are not the best to properly navigate Fine, select in your computer's preferences that new size (1024x768) and enjoy it!

    (It) Tutte le pagine pubblicate da DMLR si vedono al meglio con una risoluzione monitor di 1024x768 pixel, di solito usata sui computer portatili... Puoi anche leggerle mantenendo la risoluzione di default del tuo computer. Ma probabilmente adatterai le pagine su monitors impostati su 800x600 o 640x480 pixel. Ambedue le misure non sono adatte per visualizzare esattamente Bene, seleziona nelle opzioni del tuo computer quella nuova misura (1024x768) e divertiti!

  21. What is BLOG and who are BLOGGERS in the Internet slang? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.17).
    A: BLOG is a diary written and held online by an Internet-savvy person (blogger). Blog is a collection of thoughts, articles, facts that are recorded in order to fill in one's personal website. For example, quite a few pages of DMLR can be considered parts of a secret blog because they are written as opinions or reviews I feel about something else observed as personal experience. And somewhat different from the core of this site, i.e. direct marketing.

    (It) BLOG è un diario scritto e tenuto online da una persona esperta di Internet (blogger). Una collezione di pensieri, articoli, fatti che sono registrati al fine di riempire un sito web personale. Per esempio, non poche pagine di DMLR possono essere considerate parte di un blog segreto in quanto sono scritti d'opinione o di recensione che sento di qualcos'altro osservato nella mia esperienza personale. E piuttosto differente dall'essenza di questo sito, cioè il direct marketing.

  22. The Web marketing goes through the search engine optimization (SEO) as tool to have your own websites properly read, indexed, and promoted by search engines.
    What are the important things to do in this Web marketing technique? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.16).
    A: The following steps are the fundamentals when you are going to optimize a website for the long-tem results of search engine listings: Targeted Keywords; Copywriting; Building the Site; Coding the Site; SE Submission; Building Links.
    The final goal is a better placement of the website into the search engines system and a higher positioning into the competition by generated Web traffic. For example, the traffic rank had seen DMLR site placed at 855,704 in May 2002, while in 2003 it went up to 700,497 as of April and more recently 412,009 as of November. Well a very solid improvement obtained in just one year and a half (source:

    I seguenti punti sono fondamentali quando tenti di ottimizzare un sitoweb per l'apparizione di lungo termine nei risultati dei motori di ricerca: Parole-chiave Mirate; Copywriting; Costruzione del Sito; Codifica del Sito; Sottomissione ai Motori; Costruzione dei Links.
    L'obiettivo finale? Un migliore posizionamento del sitoweb nel sistema dei motori di ricerca ed un posizionamento più alto nella competizione del traffico Web generato. Per esempio, la classifica per traffico vedeva il sito DMLR al posto 855'704 in Maggio 2002, mentre nel 2003 era cresciuta al 700'497 in Aprile e più ancora al 412'009 in Novembre. Proprio un costante miglioramento ottenuto in appena un anno e mezzo (fonte:

  23. The recent data about the Internet traffic in Italy show a distribution of users among many big portals and websites as follows: Virgilio 26%, Libero 25%, MSN 18%, Tiscali 15%, SuperEva 11%, Lycos 9%, Kataweb 6%, AltaVista 5%.
    The question for you is where are world leading portals as Google and Yahoo! positioned in the Italian ranking of traffic? (As posted on DMLR*News Gold No.15).
    A: In June 2003 Google achieved 20.9% and Yahoo! 16.5% as Web traffic penetration in Italy. Some comments: a) Google is 3rd and Yahoo! is 5th among the big portals and websites attracting the Italians online. b) That's a bit different from the United States where these two Internet brands are at the very top of Web traffic measurement. c) Specific local portals are visited massively --five out of top ten Websites-- and remain the best point of take off to the Internet for many people in Italy. Source: comScore Media Metrix.

    (It) A Giugno 2003 Google ha conseguito il 20,9% e Yahoo! il 16,5% di penetrazione del traffico Web in Italia. Alcuni commenti: a) Google è 3º e Yahoo! è 5º tra i grandi portali e sitiweb che attraggono gli Italiani online. b) Questo dato differisce dagli USA dove questi due marchi dell'Internet sono proprio in cima alla rilevazione del traffico Web. c) Specifici portali locali sono visitati largamente --cinque su dieci top sitiweb-- e restano il miglior punto di decollo verso l'Internet per molte persone in Italia. Fonte: comScore Media Metrix.

  24. Web pages are submitted to severe tests by robots that are checking and rating their performance as required for meeting the general audience visiting a Web site. What are the five most important tools in testing web pages? (As posted on DMLR*News Lite No.5).
    A: The five most important tools in testing web pages are: Browser compatibility, Load time check, Link check, Spelling check, HTML design check. All these testers check wheter a page is set up to be viewed, read, uploaded and used to the max by the average user!

    (It) I cinque strumenti più importanti nel testare le pagine web sono:
    Compatibilità browser, Controllo del tempo di caricamento, Controllo dei link, Controllo della scrittura, Controllo del design HTML. Tutte questi tester verificano se una pagina è pronta per essere vista, letta, caricata e usata al meglio dall'utente medio!

  25. Many years have passed since April 1990 when the mobile phone, aka cellular, came into the ordinary life of the ordinary people. What it achieved in its glorification of the individual is surely the possibility of a more direct, practical relationship between the consumer and an old means like the static telephone.
    But the flurry of mobile devices has given an avenue of countless number of prefixes, now three-digit prefix. To this extent the "mobile experience" has produced an effect of old-style mass-market commodity fetishzation, where the "prefix" is the principal element through which brands are seen only as personal tool and accepted as must by the consumers.
    This is the sequence of prefixes by actual provider and technology that are really behind the service:
    Tim/TACS = 336 - 337 (valid until 2005)
    Tim/GSM = 334 - 335 - 338 - 339 - 363 - 366
    Vodafone (ex Omnitel) = 340 - 343 - 347 - 348 - 349
    Wind = 320 - 323 - 328 - 329
    Wind (ex Blu) = 380 - 383 - 388 - 389.
    The monthly quiz is about the prefix that is missing on the list above. What is that prefix? (As posted on DMLR*News Lite No.3).
    A: 333. The list had missed the first prefix launched for calling mobile phone almost ten years ago.

    333. L'elenco aveva tralasciato il primo prefisso lanciato per chiamare i cellulari quasi dieci anni fa.

  26. Are you expert on marketing, maybe an Internet dean, plus an English good speaker? Fine, this is the puzzle for testing your ability... 
    I have set up a crossword online for DMLR readers only, so hope you wanna solve it before 2003 comes on! (As posted on DMLR*News Lite No.1).
    A: Across. 1: gossip, 4: member, 8: one time, 9: am emb, 11: lull, 12: silicon, 14: interesting, 20: tech, 22: yoghurt, 24: index, 26: tommy, 27: revenue, 30: sme, 31: mister, 32: silent.
    Vertical. 1: google, 2: spell, 3: in it, 5: email, 6: beer can, 7: newsletters, 10: bond, 13: ie, 15: no games, 16: se, 17: tci, 18: ihn, 19: system, 21: except, 23: uly, 25: dante, 28: ems, 29: vei.

    (It) Vedi il cruciverba proposto come 1ite Puzzle.
    Orizzontali. 1: gossip, 4: member, 8: one time, 9: am emb, 11: lull, 12: silicon, 14: interesting, 20: tech, 22: yoghurt, 24: index, 26: tommy, 27: revenue, 30: sme, 31: mister, 32: silent.
    Verticali. 1: google, 2: spell, 3: in it, 5: email, 6: beer can, 7: newsletters, 10: bond, 13: ie, 15: no games, 16: se, 17: tci, 18: ihn, 19: system, 21: except, 23: uly, 25: dante, 28: ems, 29: vei.

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